7 Awesome Laundry Room DIYs

The laundry room is the most underrated room in your home. Yes, it might smell like old socks, but it's so useful for storage and laundry is essential for any happy family. Here are our top 7 DIYs to make your laundry room feel more appreciated.


 laundry, dufresne, washer, dryer, diy, waterfall counter, counter room

1. DIY Waterfall Counter Top

Not only will this gorgeous DIY from Vintage Revivals class up any front load washer and dryer pair, but it is super useful as well. Create an area for folding clean cloths or just let the soap and dryer sheets hang out up there. Whatever you put on this countertop, you can believe it is on our DIY list.


 iron board, laundry, room, dufresne, diy, appliances, washer, dryer

2. Rustic Iron Board Hanger

Stop struggling to pull the ironing board out of the closet or from behind the shelf. Hang it up with this rustic Iron Board Hanger from The Inspired Hive. Make sure your ironing board is handy while also spicing up your laundry room.


 dufresne, laundry, bag, room, washer, dryer, appliances, diy

3. Laundry Bag

The best part about this laundry hamper from the Merry Thought? Everything! You can close it so your socks don’t fall out of your overflowing laundry basket, you can hang it over the door so it frees up more floor space, and it is super cute.


 dufresne. dryer, list, dry, erase, washer, appliances, diy, laundry

4. Dry Erase Board (On Your Washing Machine!)

We love this idea, especially if you live with people who don’t always do laundry (like your kids, or partner). This is a cute idea to make sure your clothes last as long as possible. If you have a black laundry pair, you can use a silver dry erase marker! Thanks, Sarah Hearts! 


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5. Crochet Delicates Bag

The Merry Thought with another great idea! Keep your expensive underwear from getting tangled in the washer. Not only is this bag super cute but it would make great gifts for the ladies in your life.


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6. Ombre Rope Hamper

This adorable hamper from the One O would be great in any laundry room! It’s the perfect place to put lonely socks until you find their pair or just to add a splash a colour.


 iron, board, magnetic, dufresne, laundry, washer, dryer, room clothes. diy

7. Magnetic ironing board

This is perfect if you have a small space and don’t want to give up wrinkle free clothes. Iron clothes on your washer or dryer thanks to A Beautiful Mess! 


We hope you take advantage of these awesome DIYs. We know our laundry rooms will be seeing all these great ideas.